The concept of User Experience (UX) is related to the experience of those who interact with a company and its products, systems or services, whether in the online environment or in the physical one. Understanding in depth User Experience will make contact of people with your product or service as pleasant, relevant, intuitive and effective as possible.
User Experience can be applied on all phases of a business, either on the beginning or in the most mature stages. As a broad area, many of its specialities might be applied to each different situation: UX Research, UX Writing, UX/UI Design, UX Metrics, etc. All of them are important, but depending on your context and on your moment, some of them might be more assertive and suitable.
User Experience design is responsible for making sure the product or service is useful, usable, credible, accessible, desirable and valuable. The benefits of adopting it include creating and scaling solutions that are capable of meeting the customer's needs, with more competitive products; improving the company’s image among its clients and within the market; and increasing not only the number of satisfied customers but also the number of conversions, sales and loyalty rates.
User Interface (UI) consists of everything that is presented to the user to improve their interaction with software and applications, websites and even physical products, making it easier and more pleasant. Both UI and UX are related and complement each other, integrating a product design strategy that assists in building the product experience and interface.
EICOM Institute also recommends that you take a look at this article from Nielsen Norman Group and this other one from Interaction Design Foundation to learn more
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